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Degree Planning


Unsure about how to start planning your anthropology degree?  You have come to the right place.

Step 1 - Honours/Major/Minor?

It is important to know if you are planning on majoring, minoring or doing the honours program in Anthropology as that will influence the number of 200-level classes you can take that will count towards your honours, major or minor, as well as your other upper level classes. All of this information can be found on the McGill eCalendar. To find your program requirements, click on the All Programs tab of the eCalendar, and look up "Anthropology."

Step 2 - What anthropology concentrations are you interested in?

There are four branches in the discipline of Anthropology: socio-cultural, archaeology, biomedical and linguistics. The McGill Anthropology department mainly offers classes in the first three. If you are interested in linguistics we recommend making it a minor within the Linguistics department. You will never have to declare the branch you are most interested in, but it is important to know so that you can take the proper 200-level classes that will count as requirements for upper-level classes. 

Step 3 - Fill out a degree checklist

Look at the requirements of your honours program or major/minor concentration and fill out the anthropology program checklist:

Honours Anthropology

- Program requirements

- Degree checklist

Joint Honours Anthropology

- Program requirements

- Degree checklist

Minor Concentration

- Program requirements

- Degree checklist

To learn about different offered courses, the Courses page on the Anthropology Department's website is very useful.

Step 4 - Advising

Figuring out your degree can be a little tricky, so we recommend asking questions whenever you feel unsure about something. It can also be useful to consult an advisor to make sure that your completed program checklist meets the program requirements depending on your chosen concentration. Make an appointment with an advisor, or reach out to our VP Academic at who can assist you with the process. 

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